Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (2024)

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Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (2)


Arpit Tambi

Owner and resident astrologer at Ask Oracle with 18 years of experience in Western (tropical) and Indian (sidereal) astrology. Based in Jaipur, he is an IIT Roorkee alumnus. His areas of expertise include love compatibility, marriage, and child predictions, as well as professional and wealth predictions.


  1. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (3)

    Abdi May 5th, 2022

    Abdi AM ataurus man I Marie piesce woman at 2014 we are blessed with two children Salman and Hashim but since Sept last year up now we are not together ,long distance ,I want your advice she is seeking for divorce but I don’t want to stay far from my children,our case is at the court .what can I do


  2. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (4)

    Bemow December 21st, 2021

    I’m sag in love with a Taurus lady,we r so hot in love for 8 years,but there is a lot of fights, actually worse you can’t even think we can unite again!I have realised that Taurus women r so possessive and stubborn,calm, Loving, unique, jealousy,smart,so when sooner she gets a partner who fit’s her requirements, thats wen you will sees all characters of a Taurean women,her arguments wont make a sense mostly.i have dated three in all most lasted than any zodiac sign in my relationship.


  3. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (5)

    Kassandra November 13th, 2021

    Omg this is so true exactly how I feel


  4. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (6)

    Shan Mehdi August 5th, 2021

    Im ShanMehdi.. Me being a taurus native..
    I found a girl who is Taurus too..
    In such a short timespan I found myself loving her soo deeply.. She is quite understanding❤She is the start of my each day and end of my everynight…❤
    Infact when for the very first time we met, i felt like i know her since years..(God save us from evil eyes please) I really dont know wether she knows this or not but iam madly in love with her. I pray for all of you guys may you find your true love v.soon.. ameen..
    By the way She is My sunshine❤😍


  5. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (7)

    Nate June 30th, 2021

    😥Im Nate C a Capricorn i lost the love and bestfriend of my life Taurus S Nikki P. Her divorce wasn’t going through i believed it was her not pushing for it, turned out it was paperwork technicalities. I a cap am horrible at communication took it personal because I was ready to pop the question. I stopped giving her the attention i wanted to give hoping she would see i was hurt and bothered and address it. Instead she lost faith an interest in me and left after 2.5year. I lost my everything her kids i loved as my very own. I think she found someone to give her the attention she deserved. Me completely devastated, broken, and fought serious depression and thoughts of do i want to live without the 1 i called and was committed to as my forever. Will a Taurus woman ever forgive and come back in my arms because they are everything I love and want? Nikki i 💙 you and i have grown and growing to make sure this would never happen again 🥰💙


  6. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (8)

    Blue February 26th, 2021

    My husband has had history of infidelity but I have noticed a change in him for the past year. However, recently a woman texted his phone and was leaving very flirty messages suggesting that they meet. I saw on his phone that he called the number twice. Apparently the person did not answer the call. He then texted and said she might have the wrong person. The day it happened he left his phone in his car and did not bring it in. The following day he showed me the text saying how the devil is so busy and if I had seen the text efore him, I would have assumed he was cheating. Why did he call the number? Is it because it tempted him? Please give your feedback


  7. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (9)

    Llanie inojales July 31st, 2020

    When can i be pregnant? im married for 3yrs and 10 months…


    • Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (10)

      Kannan October 7th, 2020

      you need to discuss with your husband


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      bill November 23rd, 2020

      you need to have sex lol


  8. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (12)

    Nicole June 24th, 2020

    Wondering if I will find love and happiness .I’m 40 now and only have one kid .would like to hve more with the one who holds my heart is he right for me ??


  9. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (13)

    Ellen Fleur May 17th, 2020

    Who is the love of your life? Look at this free tarot reading:
    May you find what you’re looking for!


  10. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (14)

    Mahmud Muhammad April 29th, 2020

    Am disappointed by my wife who we have 2 children with her whate is the truth behind this


  11. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (16)

    Kafilat Onafuwa March 25th, 2020

    Am always getting hearh break from guys…..I want to know if am compatible with Samuel or I should just let go


  12. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (17)

    Robin February 13th, 2020

    Hi everyone!
    Well , to start out how do I know if my interest feels the same way? He is a Scorpio and he melts my heart every time I see him.


  13. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (18)

    Poni scovia February 10th, 2020

    hello, I’m poni scovia.I have someone call Amos I love him so much I need u to help me whether I will marry him.


  14. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (19)

    Clark January 28th, 2020

    I’m still a bit sceptical about Horoscopes but I must admit, there’s something I can agree with, especially the importance of communication.


  15. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (20)

    Poni scovia November 18th, 2019

    I need to know whether we can marry ourselves with Amos


    • Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (21)

      Annie December 13th, 2019



  16. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (22)

    sada November 13th, 2019



  17. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (23)

    Cecilia November 3rd, 2019

    pls check for me l need a man in my life l am tarus may 20


    • Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (24)

      Bradley Trostle November 12th, 2019

      I’m may 20


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      Greg December 10th, 2019

      I’m may21


  18. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (26)

    Alisha November 2nd, 2019

    Is he doing what I think he has this weekend?


  19. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (27)

    Ruchi keswani July 8th, 2019

    When will i get married and what will b d appearance of my spouse n his age ..


  20. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (28)

    ABRAHAM June 20th, 2019

    please check and see the answer for me,am Taurus I need help from you now before is too late


  21. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (29)

    Nasty va retards May 15th, 2019

    There’s always going to be great and amazing men and there’s those that will always be about them selves and nothing but them. I am referring to the band of retards that lies and fronts there one day feeling like a girl dress like a girl and be with his own sex then go home to a wife that has no idea what is going on? So at the end of the day, these so-called band of retards hurts kids there parents if you have no interest in being a part of there sex group? So when a woman invests in their appearance these band of retards will put glue in your hair and there favorite is putting chemicals in your hair man or woman and make you believe your hair is naturally falling out. They did this to a principal of a school that was not so nice to one of the girls they f**k…this is in va beach VA. Then the best thing that they love to do all the time is bust your windows flat your tiers as if it happened naturally or you ran over a nail. Their famous quote to me is that they are few cops that are to serve and only protect them self. And that they will never get caught. Then you have real cop heroes. That they are not! Heroes that is. So they will shoot out your tires jump your fences to get in your homes. Pushes you down flights of stares… But there such bad a** that they make sure their cowards about doing all of this to you..they steel your girl clothes steel everything they do this most of all to single moms that’s how impressive they are. They claim to be astrologers too and a retarded warlock and psychic these 4 bands of retards. They do this to everyone as if that’s all you will see them put themselves as the stars. kids online so you can pay to see this. They love to show you their lame sex acts in the white van with the retard cop/ detective having sex with an underage high school girl that he says he married? Who needs to know that he is a lame d**k? No one cares! Also got her a car and a home just to let you others that did not get anything! Abuse is just that!! He also claims to be some kind of book writer so just letting you all know there are real sick and nasty out here and to let you all know you all are not alone and thank you…


  22. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (30)

    SilverGold April 15th, 2019

    I can’t say that I believe in horoscope but the connection between it exists. We can analyze our friends, relatives, and others and see it. In my last autobiography essay, I have added information about it and we have discussed it in the last lesson. Actually, it is difficult to write about yourself but I used this article to understand more It is a great article I’ve found so I hope it will be useful for students who write autobiography essay.


  23. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (31)

    Gold April 15th, 2019

    I can’t say that I believe in horoscope but the connection between it exists. We can analyze our friends, relatives, and others and see it. In my last autobiography essay, I have added information about it and we have discussed it in the last lesson. Actually, it is difficult to write about yourself but I used this article to understand more It is a great article I’ve found so I hope it will be useful for students who write autobiography essay.


  24. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (32)

    Samantha Gray March 31st, 2019

    Yes sweety let him go I know it’s the 2000’s & women work an make more money and hold down the household but all that has done I been noticing Is make men teatts. They are okay with staying home with the kids an not working but once they get comfortable with those arrangements you will start to notice you have a problem sm it’s our own fault letting then evade there take care of woman responsibility. So my point if he dont get a job n do 50 50 get rid of him u have a kid also.


  25. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (33)

    Darline March 2nd, 2019

    I have been in a relationship for 18 years with my kids dad he is a Taurus to but attitude he has makes me want to leave he hasn’t had work experience I pay all the bills and take care of the kids by myself with no setion8 It gets hard times I want to leave and let go


    • Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (34)

      Samantha Gray March 31st, 2019

      If you pay all the Bill’s take care of kids an lol I’m sure he prolly don’t even be wanting to have sex they often well part our fault because I had a man like yours an i used to feel disgusted with him just being content with having me workin. Stress n pay everything. Like he had me to depend on but me I couldn’t depend on him n that’s sad I believe our significant other should b our tock always there to pick you up or help if times get ruff but no an that shows me he dont give a dam about me breaking my back forever nan as you stayed first time eva took care of bum man an my last. HOW A MAN BE OKAYBWITH HAVING A WOMAN BUST HER ASS AN WORST PART AFTER A WHILE OF BEING TOGETHER HE DONT EVEN DERM GRATEFUL ANYMORE AS THOUGH I OWE HIM WELL LIKE HE IS MY DAM KID N I HAVE TO SUPPORT HIM… GET RID OF HIM IT WON’T CHANGE ONLY GET WORDY N HARDER FOR YOU TO WALK AWAY. BECAUSE ONE THING A BUM MAN IS GOOD AT IS PLAYING ON OUR NICE HEART N THAT WE LOVE THEM N MAKE US FEEL AS THOUGH WE ARE ABANDONING THEM BUT GROW A PAIR TELL HIM GET A JOB YOUR A GROWN MAN ACT LIKE ONE.


  26. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (35)

    Akshara January 10th, 2019

    Really, this is right and it’s night I am writing comment and this all was true and my partner Is not just talking with me today and he’s was behind a mad girls he thinks that she thinks he is her brother


  27. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (36)

    Debbie October 5th, 2018

    Been in relationship with a Libra man for over 4 years, it’s been up & down, i am the one that has kept it together, & I’ve never supported a man until him. I feel he’s not into it anymore, he never shows emotions,& has lied lately. Should I give up & move on, or keep trying? I love him but maybe let him go to see if he comes back and Persue me for a change.


    • Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (37)

      ann November 19th, 2018

      DEFINITELY break up. Just read what you wrote. You already know the answer. If he’s lying about things, watch out in general. Not a good sign, and watch out while breaking up – if you’re living together I’d not even warn him first I’d just get away.


    • Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (38)

      ann November 19th, 2018

      You could try a discussion or a counselor but if he;s lying I’d break up. Don’t be a doormat.


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      Eckno March 5th, 2019

      I’m on the same boat as you too


  28. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (40)

    Tessy June 3rd, 2018

    Am very confused on my love life status


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      08115511551 July 11th, 2018

      Why confused Tessy? Can you share it?


  29. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (42)

    A frend May 17th, 2018

    Be yourself love who you love


  30. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (43)

    Kgatliso March 31st, 2018

    I’m a taurus woman and lately I became so close to my (male) second cousin who happens to be taurus too. We grew up together and we have not seen each other in ages. I find him so attractive and I’m 100% sure he feels the same way too. I see it when he looks at me and he calls me often and he will make me drive to him to accompany him some appointment. When I get to him he will tell me the appointment has been cancelled. He will call to tell me he loves me and this gave me goosebumps. One day I called an told him I don’t want to see him for awhile because I am falling for him. He didn’t say anything only good night. The next day he calls and ask that we meet for coffee and talk this through. I experted him to say his part but he looked deep into my eyes for a while and said nothing I was so nurvas . I broke the ice and told him that is best that we stop this and meet only when other relatives are there. We both agreed, I didn’t calls him later and his been calling and texting even though we’ve agreed that we don’t have to talk everyday. It seems he doesn’t like the idea but his not willing to give in to what he feels. I love him and this mixed signals are killing me what must I do.


    • Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (44)

      Tim May 3rd, 2018

      Hey girl.. I get the taurus taurus thing.. Taboo and close friendships but i respect your self discpline. Blood relative .. I bet your cute too.



    • Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (45)

      Bhupendra July 4th, 2018

      Go for it.. do not stop yourself. Do what you feel and enjoy every moment of your life. Go out for a coffee or lunch and if you both feel or want to have sex which will satisfy you both then why to stop and regret later. So I suggest you to go and enjoy each & every moment of life.


  31. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (46)

    RAJENDRA SHANTILAL GALA March 15th, 2018

    26/04/1964, my name is RAJENDRA SHANTILAL GALA, I always thinking or searching one mate ,who is talented like me, fashion designer, she knows everything about me and guidance what next ,loving me protect it possible for my search????


    • Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (47)

      Tim May 3rd, 2018

      No you wouldn’t be happy with a male fashion designer. There all gay.lolnot that theres anything wrong with being gay fashion designer


  32. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (48)

    danc430 October 27th, 2017

    I haven’t received any emails from you since October 15. I’ve tried to re-subscribe twice. Each time, they tell me to confirm by clicking on the email you just “send” instead of “sent”. But, each time, there has been NO email to click to confirm. What’s up with you guys


  33. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (49)

    sherly Salvador April 17th, 2017

    I met this man few months back but he don’t realized that I love him.


  34. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (50)

    Oliver March 7th, 2017

    Me as a male taurean, can love as any other. Recently I have gotten into this girl at my school and I absolutely love how beautiful she is. I am still trying to find out more information about her, as if she is extremely dramatic or energetic, the relationship would not have chances. She is not loud nor is she quiet, she looks to be a very calm person, the more I find that I like about her, the more I want to talk to her.


  35. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (51)

    Soltero January 12th, 2017

    My love doesn’t love me and is happy without me so wrong. Single life sucks


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      billupandey January 19th, 2017

      You are a bad bad girl
      You have bad ass with bad sh*t coming out.


  36. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (53)

    lovehurts35 July 28th, 2016

    I hope is happy with her


  37. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (54)

    PeaceChild July 5th, 2012

    my day did suck and my love life is even more unsure ha this was spot on for me today.


  38. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (55)

    MaMaMandy June 28th, 2011

    These predictions for everyday are hair raising and truly correct!! I check it everyday and it’s right on the button!


  39. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (56)

    asma-khan May 2nd, 2011

    Iam a taraus .my date of birthday 21 april


  40. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (57)

    Lea February 22nd, 2011

    Im a taraus female and my birthday is may 19, 1996. I love the horoscopes. Keep up the good work. And im 14 by the way.


    • Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (58)

      Monica September 20th, 2018

      So I’m guessing you’re 22 now? Lol, I’m 7 years late but I was also 14 at the time you wrote this. My birthday is May 7, 1996, so I’m literally a week and 5 days older than you but not that it matters. I was just glad I found someone close to my age on here. Same month and year. Well if you ever read this, cheers for reaching past 21!!!


  41. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (59)

    Vikram singh January 28th, 2011

    My name is vikram singh, my Date of birth 21 feb.
    My beloved name Firdaus khan, date of birth 18 feb
    tell me our future.


  42. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (60)

    saite January 19th, 2011

    Am in love with a Gemini and my DOB is 26 Apr. 1982 i need to know if we have good chances. thanks


  43. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (61)

    thenjiwe November 23rd, 2010

    My dob is 17 sept 1980,can u pls tell me when I will get married.I’m dating a taurus man?


  44. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (62)

    soha August 22nd, 2010

    My DOB is 18th Sep 1979,can u please tell me when i will get married and where and how,love/arranged???


  45. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (63)

    [emailprotected] July 28th, 2010

    my birthdate is 18-02-1986 at 9pm will i have an arranged or love marriage


  46. Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (64)

    gabriela November 22nd, 2009

    good predictions..


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Free Taurus Daily Love Horoscope for Today | Ask Oracle (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.